The Diary

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New York, April 14th 1879

April 14th Monday.

Rain, but clearing up afterwards, at 11½ AM to Rathskeller, after meeting Com. Scegedin Relief at my office, to Store again at 2½ P.M. talk over things of Stock acct, Theo & boys take supper and spend evening with me.

April 15th Tuesday.

to Rathskeller at noon about Scegedin affair Sign our Stock account for 1878, also consult Coleman at Tax Office, Theodor takes supper with me, I go to L.K. sing + preside, afterwards play Skat with Biedermann and Maas, win 53 Cents.

April 16th Wed.

Lovely day. Excessively busy, Theo. with Tretbar to Herberts store to examine. Daniel F. Beatty comes in. With Theo. (after lunching with Julia Schmidt) to Astoria. He is much pleased with the bent rafters by Steam. At my house in evening all the family there, play Skat with Theo. George Kr. Ch St & win 5 Cents


April 17th Thursday.

Rainstorm. At Tafelrunde, have much fun, at Tax office afterwards, see Mr. Vanderpool, hand in application to reduce Taxes on 53d & 52d str. houses Am at Symphony or rather last Concert of the Oratorio Society at Steinway Hall in eve'g, & at Thies

April 18th friday.

Rainstorm, at Office all day, lunch at Kladivkos, Home in eveg, playing 66 with Ch St. even

April 19th sat.

Rainstorm, which has badly interfered with Business all the week. Music Trade Review has several nasty articles by Weber & on Knabe. Hale piano No 10.433 Upr. comes from Herbert, Theo & I examine the same and find it as bad an infringement as the Weber Upright