The Diary

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New York, April 19th 1879.


Sherwood from Boston plays splendidly at his Matinee, Theo. takes supper with me, also Fr. St. in eve'g, we are at the Kellogg Testimonial Concert, Maxwell comes into our box, having arrived with the Germanie at 6½ P.M. Theodore Maxwell & I to Thies afterwards, home at 12

April 20th Sunday.

Lovely Spring day, at 11 A.M. Mr. Fuller calls, H. Ch & Fr. St. & Henry Ziegler with Theo St. in our s.h. room We examine both the Weber Upright No 13.817 and the Hale Upright 10.433. and conclude that both instruments contain glaring infringements of our Tubular Action frame Patent. Maxwell is also there. All Steinways take dinner with me. I attend and preside at Scegedin Relief Com. at Hotel Hungaria, return to Store at 4 P.M. where Rummel gives a little Reception at our Warerooms. Theo. at Store writing letters, all the Steinway boys, Theo & I at supper in my house afterwards full and hot discussion of the various matters touching our mutual Interests in England


April 21st Monday.

Lovely Spring day. Very busy. To Rathskeller via Zieglers, Bleecker street, back to Store at 2½ P.M. Theodor takes supper with us. They go to St. Hall, Lavines Concert. I remain home Oscar Lang calls to see me in eve'g.
Death of Genl Dix

April 22d Tuesday.

Very busy all day, At L.K. in evening preside, Society resolves to hold Summernights festival at Gilmores, Fr. Steins there, home at 1 AM