The Diary

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New York, March 20th 1880.

March 20th Sat.

Fine day. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. In eveg with Theo. playing 66 & winning 70 Cts telling him that Haines men return to work on Monday, having executed a paper, Sohmers men the same, Stein drives me home. Fr. Steinway moves to my house.
letters, notifying keymakers of their discharge

March 21st Sunday.

Lovely day, to Store at 9½ AM, work til 1 PM Call on Dr. Petzold in afternoon, spend eve'g at Theos play Skat with Tretbar, H. A. Cassebeer + Lucius lose 9 Cts

March 22d Monday.

Sohmer & M. A. Decker call on me quite excited as to Fischers alleged working, call meeting for this afternoon. Give letter to young Chas. Ruperich to go to Pratt, Read & Co., Deeper River, Conn. In afternoon at 3 P.M. Meeting of the Piano Manuf. Soc. rather stormy, Haines denies unconditional surrender, Fischer, & Kranich & Bach admit it. Passed resolution that Men must agree to non dictation. Spend eve'g at Emperors birthday celebration at German Club, pleasant ev'g, sing Quartett with Fr. Steins, Wilhelms & Amann, Theo. + H. St. with me, home at 12 o'clock.

March 23d Tuesday.

Lovely day, bad Newspaper reports, Times says, Weber resigns from the Society, at 10 AM to factory, see Theo. there, arrange to give to our Astoria men 10 pr. Ct. from Thursday, down town by 3d Ave. L. Road, eat at Rathskeller, reference of Vandyke case, he continues his lies, at L.K. in eve'g, meet Steck, whose men strike for 10 pr. Ct.

March 24th Wed.

In the majority of Shops the men strike for 10 pr. Ct. See Theo. lunch with him, he tells me, the men are determined to drive the scabs out, our keymakers at Astoria make ready to move, have 3 Policemen