The Diary

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New York, Sunday Aug 21st 1881.

Sunday, Aug 21st.

Warmer day, but very pleasant. Work all the forenoon letters to R.R.--Theodore +c. Take a fine swimbath. Wife feels the signs of life strongly every day, but herself is quite well. Find my left knee contain a blister which I open & much water runs out Continue to take Blairs pills alternated with salicylic pills

Monday. Aug 22d

To town via L. road early, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel to Astoria via 23d str. warmer day, but clear & pleasant right knee a little stiffer, Musquitos more plentiful Am very happy and content, wife also


Aug 23d Tuesd.

To town via L. road, wife with me to 89th str. where Addie Vogel awaits us and both drive to Astoria. Send off a long letter to Theo. & also to R.R. Weather pleasant. Skin off my left knee, somewhat impeding locomotion, supper at L.K. preside building Com. Plans ready for specifications, home to my house at 11½ P.M. put Russian salve on my knee

Aug 24th Wed.

Warm day, knees much better. RdRt and Henry Ziegler arrive from Schroon lake, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with RdRt, to Astoria via L. road, take quite a walk with wife, put Lochwitz Balsam on left knee, where Skin is partly off, Sleep splendidly Business Retail and wholesale very good

Aug 25th Thursd.

Read that Gen'l Dodge died at San Francisco yesterday, to town via L. road. Lunch with RdRt at U. Sq. Hotel To Astoria via 23d str. boat, stop at Astoria factory look at pile driving there. Play 66 with RdRt, win 4 games out of 6.  Put more Lochwitz Balsam on my knee and sleep very soundly all night