The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 28th 1881.

Dec. 28th Wed.

Again Rainy gloomy weather. Excessively busy in the forenoon, buy $2500. bonds of L. Is. City for $2400 of D. H. Tichenor, No 11, 12, 13, 14 + 15. Have interview with A. Sommer, who wants to go to Texas, his wife having the consumption. I tell him not to give up his place, but to take his family there and go and come as he pleases From 11-1½ P.M. have interview with Geo. W. Caster of Boston, prospective amicable settlement of our suit agt the Emerson Comp. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Have a call from Baumann + Rüdiger of the Phila. Com. in afternoon. This morning Miß Kessler called at my house relative to her brother; and my baby nursed freely and seems to get along quite well. Wife had first passage during the night since her confinement. Home in eve'g, Georges cough seems to be worse

Decbr 29th Thursd.

Wife had a tough time of it, baby having become somewhat unruly towards morning. Herald has a very unjust article on ventilation of St. Hall At noon to Koster + Bial, Parkpl. lunch there Stop at Puck Office, see Schwarzmann, hand him Rincklakes drawing of the three Jew faces showing Meier, Cohn, Levy. which he promises to insert in Puck. Home in eve'g, write letters to Theodor in detail. George has been in bed all day. letter from A. Sommer accepting my proposition, received in the afternoon. Furious rainstorm all day

Dec 30th friday.

Wife and baby well. The latter growing and getting along nicely, nursing freely and digesting finely. Wife beginning to look pale George still in bed. Home in eve'g write Theodore & to Papa Ranft. After that play 66 with RdRt, come out even. In aft. had long talk with Frank King, as to Freund, decline giving Adt for latters revived Trade Review. Take a walk before supper.