The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 11th 1882.


Miß Juch and her mother call. Maxwell telegraphs "Four E. Despatched others follow" Col. Mapleson consents to Miß Juchs singing at the L.K. Wife & Martha + Paula at Philh. in eve'g, I at store, took a along walk up 4th + down Lex. Ave. bet. 5-6 P.M _._ Very sultry weather

Novbr 12. Sunday.

Work at store in forenoon, at home in afternoon get up interview to be published in the Staatszeitung. In eve'g, at 6 o'clock Louis Hess brings Albert Koch of No 202 E. 80th street, who is willing to make affidavit as to what Chas. Hagen, and F. Hartung said publicly at Wendells Assembly Rooms Sunday forenoon, Novbr. 5th last. Richd Ranft jr. takes supper with us, has his betrothed, Emmy Kapp with him


Novbr. 13. Monday.

Volkszeitung has article on Steinway Hamburg and Steinway New York. Flörsheim writes out my notices of yesterday, viz. an interview with myself to be published in the Staatszeitung. Rush down, see Cotterill get up form of affidavits, home in eve'g. Albert Koch & Louis Hess call in eve'g. former swears to Affidavits, receives $50. through Hess. Then consult with H. Z. Henry + Fred. St. as to position of strike +c

Novbr 14. Tuesd.

Very busy, George H. Smith, Williamson, Burnett Cotterill call. Chas St. laid up yesterday and today. At 11 A.M. to Ottendorfer who agrees to publish interview. Mrs. Zielfelder also calls, tells me Astoria conditions, loaned Selvi $30. Miß Kessler also calls, tells me that Moderati is now her teacher. At L.K. in eve'g presiding and making programmes for Novbr 26. Miß Juch and her parents call there. George and ladies at "Schwabenstreich" Germania Thatre, NY

Novbr 15. Wed.

J. D. Prince, Card in Post yesterday, and Times today, which I answer Justices Summons served on 2 doz. Strikers, evidence of strikers weakening. Staatsz interview causes excitement. wifes birthday, all family there except Nephews. Play Skat with Dick, J. Ziegler & H. Cass lose 57 Cts