The Diary

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New York, Febr. 10th 1883.

Febr 10th Sat.

fine day. Busy on coming Benzing matter lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Letter from Chas. St. at Thomasville, Ga. He is slowly improving in health. Our Mason, David Beck leaves our employment and writes a letter to Osburg asking for the balance due to him In ev'g at Trustee Essen at L.K. in Rehearsal Room very nice, afterwards in "Kneipe" home at 1 AM

Febr 11th Sund.

Baby Willie enjoys his bath & crows with delight Snow storm last night, 6 inches of snow fallen. I feel quite well. Read that yesterday four Clerks were arrested who had made money by feeing people from Jury duty, Call at Cassebeers drug store at noon, work all day til 6 PM at store. Harry Low continues to move things from the old vault to the new. At home in eve'g, working til 10 PM


Febr 12th Mond.

Busy all with Benzing case. Dr. Hassloch sees me, says Mrs. Benzing wants $3000. and us to pay her lawyers. Home in eve'g, playing card s with wife + children


Febr 13th Mond.

Write letter to Bk of the Metrop. introducing Miß Pauline Stobauer there. Have conversation with Cotterill on Benzing suit. Osburg afterwards calls and also Murtha At L.K. in eve'g, let Adams preside

death of Rd. Wagner

Febr 14th Wed.

Stormy, with Cotterill and our chief witnesses in Court lunch at Hollenders, do not reach trial. Home in eve'g, play 66 with Dick Ranft, lose 50 Cts

Febr. 15th Thursd.

Sleet & Ice. Striebeck lame with broken sinew in foot meets me on the way, begs & receives $30. from me. Terrible inundations in Cincinnati and Louisville and all along the Ohio River. Reach trial by 12 o'clock have a bad looking Jury against us, Beck & Benzing on the stand I feel very blue, Judge Daly seems to rule against us. At R.Rt in eve'g, then with wife + Martha to Wiebusch, Quartett, am in excellent voice