The Diary

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New York, Octbr. 5th 1884.

Oct 5th Sunday.

Very warm 78 degrees in my office at noon. Try if sound will pass through to Hall from Annex building and discover that it does pretty badly. Have slight diarrhoe. Sleep all afternoon Work in eveg

Oct 6. Monday.

My baby Theodore is one year old today and in all respects a splendid little fellow. Lang dines with me at U. Sq. Hotel. I then hurry down to Van Briesen & Steele, have an interview with the latter and Antonio Knauth on the Gleason R.R. and with v. Briesen on the Brinckmann patent threatened lawsuit. At Germ Savgs Bk. in eve'g and working at store


Oct 7th Tuesd.

Very busy. At 3 P.M. at Cotterills office with H. St. swear to our answer in the Maynard case or rather our replication to their counterclaim In eve'g to L.K. by horse car to 49th str. General versammlung, I move to have Julius Hoffmann elected President by acclamation which is done.

Oct 8th Wed.

Judge Larremore calls on me, I promise him my support with O. O. Home in eveg take a warm bath Retire early

Oct 9. Thursd.

Cool beautiful weather. Had a long interview with Jesse Johnson at Genl Wingates Office, in which we neared a settlement Business is very good with us. Last Monday I made Stier foreman of regulators At L.K. in eve'g. Board of Trustees. Wife children and R.R. sen there from Am. Institute. Home at 11 PM

Oct 10th friday.

Consult Ottendorfer as to Judges, see also Judges Van Brunt Larremore and Lawrence. At home in eve'g, writing long letters to Chas. + Theo. St. which the watchman takes to Post Office