The Diary

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New York, April 5th 1885.

April 5th Sunday.

Very cold, froze during last night. Campbell calls with George looks at R.R. horses, they purchase 6 of Fiss & Doerr. Work at store in forenoon, with George to L.K. meet H. M. Thompson & Thos W. Stevens, take dinner there. At 2½ P.M. in open Carriage through Central Park to Astoria, via Shore R.R. to Steinway, drink coffee at Schmidts, then across Rikers down Steinway Ave, Schuetzenpark, Jackson Ave. home, work from 7-8 P.M. at store, then to Richd Ranft jr. 204 E. 18th street Menzel called at noon, Executive of pianomakers Union call together a meeting of our workmen at Stahls Astoria, showing that by the discharge of Driedrichs, Schmidt + Mänsezahl we have hit the Union squarely between the eyes. In ev’g at Richd Ranfts, play Skat with him, Fritz & Chas. St. lose 70 Cts

April 6th Monday.

Have little touch in tip of left elbow, are nearing completing our stock account. At U. Sq. lunching, at 6 P.M. take a walk to 23d str. & back which greatly refreshes me take supper at Hubers, at German Savings Bk. In Ev’g. get furlough from May-Octbr. Afterwards work at store til 10 P.M.

April 7th Tuesd.

Rheumatism seems to increase, take salicylic pills and paint elbow with Iodine At 6 P.M. telegram from W. C. Hudson, Secretary of R.R. Com. At Albany, that increase of capital of St + H. Pt. R.R. Comp. From $60.0000. to $250.0000. & merger of the other companies therein, has been approved. Am at L.K. in eve’g, drink Taunus water, home at 11½ PM, Voted at Bk of the Metropolis


April 8th Wed.

Sign our Inventory and stock account, had a surplus of $227.000. notwithstanding the terrible times during 1884. Declare a dividend of ten prcent, lunch lightly at U. Sq. Hotel. In afternoon