The Diary

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London, Sept 24th 1885

Sept 24. Thursd.

Depart with the 11.15 A.M. train from Waterloo station, arrive Southampton 1.30 P.M. tender leaves at 4 P.M. meet steamer "Elbe" at 5 P.M. steamer leaves Bay at 6 P.M. Play Skat with Otto Kemlitz and Chr. Ax til midnight

Sept 25. frid.

244 miles til noon am not seasick only a slight headache, Skat til Midnight

Sept 26. sat.

370 miles til noon, Skat til Midnight, I lose heavily, Ax likewise

Sept 27. Sunday.

361 miles til noon. Otto Kemlitz proves a wonderful Skatist, we play in forenoon, afternoon and evg til midnight every day

Sept 28. Monday.

366 miles til noon, Kemlitz wins enormously, weather has been fine

Sep 20. Tuesd.

371 miles lovely weather Skat all the same, have bad luck

Sept 30. Wed.

370 miles, make acquaintance of Mrs. Rosalie Bloodgood, the daughter of Wm. Henry Gunther who is on board and with whom I talk a great deal about his deceased brother, Gov. Gunther

Oct 1st Thursday.

Yesterday having been very foggy and the steamer whistle blowing we could not hold our Concert, which Kapellmeister Wm. Gericke, his Concertmeister Kneisel, a young Roumanian, Otto Kemlitz +c had been rehearsing. We take advantage in a slight clearing up of the fog and hold our Concert tonight, I presiding and announcing each
