The Diary

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Atlantic Ocean, Oct 1st 1885


piece on the Programme interspersed with witty remarks, eliciting general merriment.  The following is the Programme:
1.a  Ritters Abschied, b. Verlossen, sung by Gericke E. Steiger Kemlitz and myself, Male Quartett
2.  Ballade + Polonaise, Vieuxtemps for Violin by Franz Kneisel, accompanied by W. Gericke.
3.  Pagen Arie, from the Huegenots, sung by Mrs. Kemlitz
4.  Oh frage nicht                                   by Goldberg sung by Otto Kemlitz
5.  Airs Hongroise, for the Violin H. W. Ernst performed by Franz Kneisel
6.  Arie Freischütz Annchen, sung by Mrs. Kemlitz
7.  Vergiss mein nicht                                  Suppè        sung by Hr. Otto Kemlitz
8. a.  Tief drunt im Thal, Herbeck
    b.  Zwei Sternlein }Volkslieder
sung by myself, Mrs. Kemlitz, Otto Kemlitz & Gericke
9.  Jim, Joseph and John
     Studio auf einer Reis} Comic Songs sung by Wm Steinway
10.  Spread Eagle speech                                                "
11.  Musical salamander by                                             "
12.  Speech of Gov. Edw. Salomon in honor of the Captain and Crew, followed by Hoch soll er leben in five dialects by Wm Steinway and Chorus, remain up til nearly 1 A.M.  great enthusiasm of the first Cabin passangers

Oct 2d friday.

Fog all day, walk up and down on deck with Mrs. Bloodgood and her father, Mr. Henry W. Gunther, make over a 1000 points in Skat, am the Champion, and pay my bet of $20. to Mrs. Otto Kemlitz