The Diary

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N.Y. Oct. 21st 1885.

Oct 21st Wed.

fog + rain all day. State Treas. Maxwell tells me that Ottendorfer and Gov. Hill had a two hours conference together yesterday, work in ev'g at store til 11 P.M. Mayor Petry promptly signed the resolution of the Board of Aldermen setting Novbr. 10th for hearing extension of road Arion resolved to build 4th Ave, 59' str

Oct. 22d Thursd.

Busy all day, at 5 P.M. Harry Stanfield, his father M. M. Stanfield, R. L. Herman with Miß Homer, also Miß Kitty Berger, Cithera Virtuoso, come in play and sing til 7 P.M. After supper work til 11 P.M. then to Maurer seeing Rittershaus, Nembach & Tag, play Skat home 11½ PM

Oct 23d friday.

Lovely day. Witzmann of Memphis in town Steamer Ems arrived at Southampton yesterday Werra here today with Adam Weber, Henry Clausen; +c on board, am at L.K. in eve'g pay $36. for the two imported kegs of beer last tuesday play Skat with Kemlitz & Adams, I come out even, Adams loses, home at 12.30 AM

Oct 24. sat.

busy, lunch at Mühlbach, at 1 P.M. to L. Isl. City, viz. Hunters Point, with Kittle to Gas works, new holder works splendidly, we send out 100.000 feet Gas pr. day, then to Steinway, locate 8 new cottages on Ditmars Avenue with Fritz via 89th L. road to St. Hall, thence to Hoboken, German Club, about 50 friends of Capt. Bussius assembled splendid dinner, I make comic speeches, am there with Fritz Steinway, meet Henry Haas, home near 2 AM

Oct 25th Sunday.

Early at store, work at Greener article, with George 11 A.M. boat to Staten Island, meet Chas. Mann, we proceed to Kreischers, find Papa Kreischer quite well, also Riekchen, spend a pleasant time, home 6 P.M. at St. Hall 8.30. P.M. finish Greener article, home at 11 PM