The Diary

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New York, Octbr 26th 1885.

Oct 26th Monday.

Lovely weather continues. Chas. H. St. comes back from his wedding trip, looking splendidly. I continue to be badly pestered by politicians. On saturday received following cablegram "Rummel accepts willing Gerster Concerts, immense success Steinway Hall, Crystal Palace enthusiastic reception, awards at close of Exhibition, so it seems that Lili Lehmann and Rummel on opening Steinway Hall, London, was quite a good Idea of mine. Supper at U. Sq. Hotel with Chas. H. St. & wife, in eve'g at their house, all the family assembled, we play Skat, win, home at midnight with George. Dictated test letters to stenographer A. Frank

Oct 27. Tuesd.

Lovely weather, feel slight touch in left shoulder busy all day and badly pestered by politicians. Grand Mass Meeting of County Democracy at St. Hall Afterwards at L.K. preside, Agriol Paur elected as Ehrendirigent until Oct. 1st next, after much discussion. Home at 12½ AM

Oct 28th Wed.

fine weather, touch in my shoulder has increased at noon go with Chas. H. St. to his house 321 East 18th str. and lunch there. Engage Adolph Frank as German and english Stenographer, his test having been very satisfactory. Greener article in Mus. Courier reads splendidly. M. Nicholson calls at my house

Oct 29th Thursd.

Easterly storm all day and night slip on 3d Ave & fall but do not hurt myself. Rheumatism in shoulder growing gradually better, first under Laville and now salicylic pills. Home in eveg working. During day got all R.R. Coupons and other securities out of the vault, assorting them and fixing R.R. matters