The Diary

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NewYork April 1st 1894.


an extended talk with him. I can walk fairly well again though my left leg viz knee is still slightly affected. At 2 P.M. drive with L.v. Bernuth to Grote Mansion which, after some floundering, we find We then drive through Park to Deutscher Verein, meet a number of friends I take a glass of Pilsen beer, arrive home at 7 P.M. spend balance of evg working. Were able to see the Steinway works at Lg Isl City right from the South "Boulevard" Teddy Cassebeer spends evg with us

April 2d Mond.

Drive to St. Hall in forenoon, then over to LgIsl City to gas works and our Rogers property, at 11 A.M. to 21. Borden Ave. to Bowery Bay Bg +Impt Comp. Annual Meeting, same directors elected and same officers, Quite a scene bet Williams +Walt. C. Foster, which I however succeed in quieting. Mr. Geo. Ehret there, quite hoarse and with a heavy cold. At 2.30. P.M. Matthias Gray Co. annual Meeting and Bd of Trustees meeting, Mrs. Susan H. Gray being present. At 4.30 P.M. Steinway +Sons annual Meeting Harbuckle and Mr. Guy present. Harbuckle hands in two absurd protests agt extra salaries and I tell him that the stockholders Meeting is not the place to ask questions of finance, that those belong to the board of trustees. Harbuckle & Guy refrain from voting. Last years board reelected. At home in evg Mr. Dodge of Cleveland comes and I retire at 10.30 P.M. pretty well exhausted. The "Ems" with Reinhold L. Herman on board has been safely towed into Fayal on the Azores. Was interviewed by an Associated press man on result of St+S. election

death of infant Edwald von Blumenthal aged 1¾ years at Langesalza

April 3d Tuesd.

Cold, but lovely day. Am almost hounded to death by Mendicants of all kinds. At 2.30 P.M. drive to Rapid Transit Meeting. All Commissioners are there, we crack many jokes but in view of the pending legislation at Albany, and new offers made to John H. Starin conclude not to pass upon our Bushe plan road today, much to Bushes disappointment. Have a consultation with Chas. H. St. on our personal tax return. Wholesale trade is said to improve. Joseffy continues his borrowing without playing. L. v. Bernuth and wife have gone up to the German Club where the last entertaint of the season to place. Hugo Sohmer calls, asks me to testify for them