The Diary

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NewYork, April 4th 1894.

April 4th Wed.

Held board of Directors Meeting 4 P.M. at my office, filed our tax return in the Tax Com. Office, resolved to pay the dividend May 1st to Stockholders of St+S. Drove to Ottendorfers but found 4 gents there, so I look on, Schalk having taken my place

April 5th Thursd.

Meeting of N. Stetson & Co in my office, resolved to call in 5 pr.Ct instalment on capital. Was served with a subpoena in a suit of $8000 for Com. on R.R. sale on suit of Franklin Everhart Stetson Potter +I had quite a long talk as to taking better location for Lyon Potter &Co Chicago. Delegation of Chamber of Commerce pleading at Albany before the Legislature Com. Abram S. Hewitt making a most effective speech to Senate Committee. L.v Bernuth birthday party, I speech & sing

April 6th friday.

My daughter Maud 5th birthday. Stetson, Charles H. St. E. A. Potter and I have a long conference with Mr. Averill as to renting his building 40' x 109' cor. Jackson str & Wabash Avenue Chicago, he finally grants us an option for 23d of April & to decide until then. Have an immense throng of people until nearly 6 P.M. E. Schmidt called. In evg work and get off important letter to Eshelby London.

April 7th

My walking is improving. It snows in the afternoon. Hammond calls, also Cotterill but have no time to consult latter. Mrs. Groenevelt and her daughter Celeste call on me, latter plays fairly well but of course I decline paying for a family of 5, to go to Vienna for the girls study. A broker named McGovern calls and says he has a costumer who wants to buy the N.Y. &College Point Ferry. Work home in evg, L.v.Bernuth and wife to Brooklyn for dinner at Erbs köh's Wholesale business has somewhat improved, but is woefully behind that of last year up to April 7th I was again interviewed by a Herald Reporter on Rapid Transit quite extensively R. Franko called, and Mrs. Rancke yesterday made the ridiculous attempt to have me contribute $100 to her attempt to give a Concert at Waldorf + beg the artists for her. Mr. Chas. F. Schmidt jr. called, tells me all the trouble they had with defective flues we also talk over privilege of the N.Y. Life Ins. Comp. to Mrs. Ella F. Schmidt to pay off Mortg. $28000 on house 30 W. 69th street Arnold Schlingheyde calls, we talk about his Nieces Annie Görres +Mrs. Eckhardt, Rochester