The Diary

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NewYork, April 26th 1894

April 26th Thursday.

Rapid Transit bills at Albany still in a muddle in the Senate but undoubtedly will come to a focus tonight. Am all day at St. Hall receive a shameful letter from Mrs. Eckhardt of Rochester with renewed lists. Have a perfect stream of people all day, among them E. Leonhardt.. A.M. Britting M. Maurer, and Georg v. Bernuth. Latter goes with his family to Irving Place Theatre..

April 27th frid.

Last night Rübsamen called with Dr. Senners promissory note of $1600 to have it discounted. To my horror and pleasure at same time I notice that last night Senate passed unanimously, and Assembly with only two dissenting votes the Chamber of Commerce Rapid Transit bill, with the referendum clause added, and John H. Starin added to, and Wm. Steinway substituted for Saml D. Babcock as Commissioners. In evg have George v. Bernuth, wife and three daughters of Antwerp, Rud. v. B +wife, and Carl v. B. +Son with us to supper, I make a nice speech. Legislature adjourned today.

April 28th sat.

Excessively busy all day. Mrs. Phil. Burkard died this A.M. I send flowers and card of condolence to him. At 7 P.M. am at L.K. Veteranen Essen. I walk into the "Probesaal" without crutch or cane, there are 60 Veterans. Quite a nice affair, I make a telling speech in honor of the Veterans. Return home just before Midnight. Chas. H. St. came back from Atlantic City, N.J. today. Mr. Geerts &wife (daughter of Charles Schraubstaedter) called on me at St. Hall

April 29th sund.

Beautiful day. Adolf Schmidt to dinner with us. L.v.B. +wife to "Steinway" and I am working home all day. Young Courtlandt Palmer called on me in the afternoon. We have a general talk and he agrees that I propose him in the N.Y. German Liederkranz. John C. Freund calls in evg and I have quite a long talk with him. Burke also called

April 30th Mond.

In forenoon, drove to Queens County Court house, testified in foreclosure case agt P. J. Gleason, met W. J. Foster, Jesse Johnson and Ralph Burnett. Have quite a conference with Krehbiel and Seidl as to combine with Damrosch in German Opera. L.v.B. + wife to Ella F. St. I work in evg and send my attendant Leonce to German Theatre. Call a Meeting for Wednesday of present Rapid Transit Com to make requisition to pay arrearage to employes. Among callers were F. L. Becker; Weil, E. L. Heckle and E. Leonhardt.. Drank two bottles of Cider and one Glass of Weissbeer with Kümmel. tomorrow is last performance of Irving Place Theatre