The Diary

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NewYork, June 10th 1894. Astoria

June 10th Sund.

Ideal day, from morning til evg, C. P. Ferry boats, St. Rw Cars Harlem boats and Brooklyn City R.R cars pour their living freight onto North Beach where at 6 P.M. fully 40,000 people are assembled. I drive all over it 4½-6½ P.M. Rikers have also moved into their place. Work all day til 11 P.M. Oscar v. Bernuth +wife call in the afternoon

June 11th Mond.

Sign bond for $35.000 for Smith +Burden on bid to pave St. Avenue. Reach St. Hall 10.15 A.M. swear to my affidavit regarding Everhart case, as relates to McCabe. Ella F. Schmidt calls, greatly perturbed about Eddy Kreischers suicide. Frank Weiler calls, showing that both Charles & Eddy Kreischer were constantly borrowing money. Home evg. play Skat with Cassebeer & Louis v. B. win 59 Cents
St. & Sons directors Meeting at Fritz's house 3:30 P.M.

June 12th Tuesd.

At St. Hall til 6½ P.M. Yesterday Judge Andrews denied Everharts Motion to place his case agt me on the short calendar. Am excessively busy all day. Mrs. Kate Weber calls in great excitement about her brothers suicide. Seth Low sends Tutor Schmitz to me. Have an uninterrupted stream of callers and constantly have to help mendicants. Amanda Fabris, A. Trube, C. Brown & Towards 7 P.M. drive with Louis v. B. to Hotel Waldorf, splendid party given by Geheimrath Eugen Langen, in all 14 persons, make german & english speeches. Mathiesen & Dommerich +wife also there & their daughter. At 10 P.M. drive to L.K. I take a glass of Pilsener, Hoffmann comes to my carriage then drive to Mansion. During the night a fearful storm sets in and it grows very cool

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June 13th Wed.

Remain at Mansion, dictate a number of important letters to stenographer Oberländer. At 1 P.M. Geheimrath Eugen Langen calls. We have a long talk and he proposes to me to join on Daimler manufacture with the Otto Motor Co. of Phila. Tutor Schmitz calls, my attendant Louis Koch shows him all over the Steinway Park. Willie arrives from School

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June 14th Thursd.

to town early mail all letters, Sutro calls, at noon drive to 45 Broadway attend N.Y. +Lg Isl. R.R. Meeting, then at 3 P.M. Alex. E. Orr and Seth Low at my Office. We select Delafield as Secretary, locate new Office in Home Ins. Buildg. fix up bylaws