The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, June 23d 1895.

June 23d Sunday.

Fog in the morning, clearing up beautifully towards noon. Little Meta for the first time down in my room again. Yesterday the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal festivities came to a close in Kiel Harbor with a Regatta and a Concert and Ball in evg in which the “Bonner Männer Gesang Verein” assisted. The whole festival passed off without a hitch, so splendidly had it been arranged into the smallest details. Empress did a little too much and is confined to her bed at Kiel so that the torchlight procession had to take a different direction. The U.S. men of war created quite a furore and got along splendidly with the crews of the german men of war. Kaiser Wilhelm intends to visit the U.S. Cruiser “New York” The American new liner “St. Louis” arrived yesterday from Southampton one day late with a broken Rudder frame, her funnels are also too small. Carl v. Bernuth is to dinner with us. For some time I have been drinking about 3 bottles pr. day of Newtown Pippin Cider which I relish and which agrees splendidly with me

June 24th Mond.

Quite warm. Drive with “Bum” to “Bums” Springs, he and his Katie to N.Y. with me returning by same boat +home by Trolley cars. Cotterill in my Office, Charlie+I speak to him, he intends to go to the Adirondacks. For a wonder I am not as badly pestered, only E. Schilling Mrs. Melville and Mary, Melville, young Bilhuber, M. Louise Bailey calling. On saturday N.Y. & College Point Ferry Co. was notified by the City, that it must move to 100th street. M. Steinert calls tell him about Blumenberg & Henry Steinert, latters actions Drive home during a drenching rain. David Brooks called loaned him $30. Signed documents as to separation of George A. St. and his wife. Miss Anne Krüsi & Maud have been to Glen Island today. Saw J. Stevenson today to go travelling with my Willie and Theodore. Emperor William this morning visited the U.S. Man of war “New York” and thanked President Cleveland for sending such fine vessels to Kiel.
My Maud still has the whooping cough during the night quite badly. Meta sits outside every day now.

Michael C. Clarea, Pres. Board of Aldermen Long Island City, died