The Diary

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NewYork& Astoria, June 29th 1895.


yesterday. Out of town Schützen begin to arrive in NewYork. Foreign Powers refuse to pay dues for passing vessels through the new Baltic Canal on the ground of the treaty of 1857 Denmark releasing the “Sound duties.” The Staatszeitung has for some time been denouncing Mayor Strong and the new Police Commissioners on account of the puritanic way of enforcing the excise law, contrary to the Mayors promises before election. Everything has now turned out exactly as I phrophesied last Septbr. and Octbr. At 11 A.M. Burk arrives, also my son George with his attendent from Mamaroneck. He signs his will, all written in his own handwriting, before Menzl, Gust. Burkard + Mrs. Julia Cassebeer. I arrange with George to have him take a trip with Burk next week. Captain Ambrose Snow died last night aged 83 years. J. O. Toussaint calls tells me of trouble brewing between Dr. Krug and his wife on account of her alleged infidelity with Dr. Timme. I see in the Evg. Post that Judge Ingraham has appointed Nealis referee in case of Krug vs. Krug and it is evident that Dr. Krug has commenced divorce proceedings in the Supreme Court. Carl v. Bernuth calls, and a steady rain sets in at 4 P.M. The german reformers appeal to Mayor Strong and Police Com. Roosevelt for a more liberal sunday, but get the cold shoulder. In evg play Skat with Carl +Louis v. Bernuth + Henry A. Cassebeer and lose 98 Cents

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June 30th Sunday.

The Staatszeitung brings the “Ehrengaben” to Schützenfest, among them pictures of the Steinway Upright piano first price $750, which I donated. My article History of Rapid Transit in NewYork reads excellently. It unfortunately for the Schützenfest and North Beach rains all the forenoon, but clears up finely by 2 P.M. Carl v. B. and Howard R. Burk with us all day. At 4 P.M. I drive with my Grandson and his Katie around Flushing Bay which he calls “Bum’s Bay” to College Point then on Ferry boat Wiehawken to 99th str. NewYork, thence via 92d str. home being convulsed with laughter at Bum’s funny remarks for instance “Now Grandpa we have not seen a Nannygoat all day”
N.Y. + College Point Ferry does about one half $700. of Sunday business Play Skat with Cassebeer, Carl + Louis v. Bernuth, lose 87 Cents