The Diary

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New York, Septbr 1st 1874,

Sept 1st Tuesday _ continued

excavation operations I taste first Bretzel baked in our Bake Shop, at 1 P.M. to Astoria, tell Stevens that unless Smith can take a note at 3 months for the two or three next payments we shall have to stop excavating soon. Am at L.K. in evening, beat Dr. Baetzendorff at 66

Sept 2d Wed.

Splendid weather, though very warm Fr. Steins takes supper with me, at 8 P.M. Reck the two Pagenstechers and Toussaint come to my house, we make a bowl, and sing til 12 very nicely. Steins remains over night

Sept 3d Thursday.

Take walk to Washington Park, then take supper at L.K. Board of Trustee meeting afterwards play 66 with Dr. Baetzendorff, Julius Hoffmann Judge Otterbourg, win, have only to pay Sandwiches Hoffmann two bottles Champagne, Dr. Baetzendorff one.

Sept 4th friday.

Receive quite a large number of orders and feel more confident. Take dinner at Zieglers drive with Albert to Van Alst, Ravenswood, do not find him in, I drive with McDonald & Ryan (Contractors for filling Vanderbilt Elevator N. R.) to farm, they wishing to look at feasibility of transporting dirt from our place to theirs. Supper at Zieglers, write letters in eveg at Store


Sept 5th Sat.

At 3.30 P.M. depart with Steins, Toussaint, Pagenstechers to Cornwall, spend very pleasant eveg at Westermanns Residence, sing Quartetts, Solos & Keppler also recits & sings very nicely to bed at 12.