The Diary

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New York, Aug 9th 1875.


at Executive Committee Meeting at No 11 Mercer str. Engineers Bender and Harding have a Quarrel, with Cassebeer sen & jr & Julia Ziegler to Astoria, I feel the effects of a cold. Play Whist with Theo Chas Ziegler & Chas. Steinway

Tuesday, Aug 10th

Take a swimbath with H. Cassebeer at 6 A.M. to the City, during the day as fearful cold developes itself, at 6 P.M. take a steam Vapor bath at 24th str. afterwards at German Club, take no supper, play Skat with Hoffbauer George Moller & Buschmann at 1 Cent the point, am pecu-liarly unfortunate, lose 5 Dollars

Aug 11th Wed.

Rainy night & day, at 11 A.M. Miß Reynolds and little Alfred arrive in town, according to my telegram Yesterday. At 1 P.M. they leave for Newport by R.R. train. Attend Bridge Meeting, no Quorum present. I feel slight Rheumatism in right back Shoulder and also around left knee, and of course since last March in my right Middlefinger I send $100 to my wife with Miß Reynolds take another Steam Vapor bath, but Rheumatism in my knee gets so bad that I can barely get home. Eat only a piece of bread, rub my knee well but can hardly sleep so uncomfortable is my knee strained