The Diary

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New York, Decbr 14th 1875.

Decbr 14th Tuesday

See Hogan, pay him $100 for second and third week in December. lunch at Alberts house, intending to go to Astoria, horse being lame I return to Store. Long interview with H. L. Stuart, who now owns Watsons Art Journal, wants to borrow $400 to carry it on, tells me & Tretbar all about Watsons dissolute life, also that he had a pamphlet directed against us, suppressed. With Reck at Neuss, at 6 P.M. home, have a good deal of talk & trouble with him as he wants to invest his money, he takes supper with us. Reck & I call at Thonets house in East 11th street, I call at Cassebeers, meet Toussaint there at 10½ P.M to L.K. where Reck & Thonet had gone. I play 66 with Biedermann beat him every game Papers state that Adolph Levinger the counsel of the suspended German Uptown Savings Bank, was arrested by Sheriff on affidavit of Hermann Uhl for retaining $38.000. foreclosure Money

Decbr 15th Wed.

cold clear day. Business seems to be very good, though collections very slow am at Tafelrunde in at Noon, Receive from H. L. Stuart Chickering Pamphlet on the Vienna Exhibition assailing us in the most violent manner. We loan to