The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 16th 1876.

Jan 16th Sunday.

Beautiful dry clear and mild day At Store from 9 A.M. Mr. Freund there writing article on our Patents. Write Weisser a friendly letter, that I will look out for a chance for him in answer to his lines of Decbr 31/75. At home for lunch, with Georgie and Alfred uptown, and taking Ziegler and wife to Lion Brewery we all amuse ourselves pretty well, the Boys running about and eating cheese & drinking beer while Ziegler Krutina and I play Skat. At home in eve'g, Play Skat with Reck, H. & C. Steinway, lose 28 Cents

Dachauer & wife play Kreuzmarriage with my wife & H. Ziegler

Jan 17th Monday.

Gloomy rainy day. Mrs. Koerschner and her Son call, he having been discharged for incompetency; I can do nothing for him, as I cannot override our foremen Luther & Ammann. Lunch at Schuelers. In eve'g Wife and Georgie with Dachauer at French Theatre I go to Alberts house, play Skat with C. St. Reck & Albert lose 9 Cts I afterwards drive with Stein to Delmonicos, meet wife & Georgie there, eat Oysters.

Jan 18th Tuesday.

Feel a little touch in right foot, but do not limp, very busy, gloomy day, lunch at Tafelrunde, call on Alonzo Follet, afterwards on Cotterill who tells me that he has drawn Charter for the Pianomakers Society, I arrange to call Meeting for friday 4 P.M. In evg with wife to Store, I then walk to Liederkranz sing, afterwards Skat with Biedermann, Schmidt &c lose 92 Cents