The Diary

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New York, March 3d 1877.

March 3d contd__

at blackmail is made at me by a message of Mr. Burn of the Dramatic News, & promptly repelled by me, who says that they have had made to them a statement from the other side. In eve'g play Skat with Tretbar & Chas. Wilhelms, lose 4 Cents, sleep well Cotterill astonishes me by his immense bill not only against our firm but against me personally

Senator Schurz & E. P. Kimball call on me ||
Poggenburg pays off $5.000. on the L.K. note of $8000

March 4th Sunday.

Rainstorm. At the store. On Thursday last, Effie M. Huntington, 71 East 54th str, pupil of Mr. S. B. Mills, called, and asked me to loan her only $1800, for the purpose of studying music abroad; Louis Stern said by Hogan to have been discharged by Lyon & Coffin, and now to be with H. T. Butler & Co. 34 Reade str In afternoon drive with George to Alberts house (Paula being there all day with Hettie & Paula) then to Zieglers on Madison Avenue, back at home 5½ PM, after Supper Albert & George Kreischer call, we play Skat, I win 72 Cents

S. D. Phelps to Texas for us last night

March 5th Monday.

On rising, find that My Rheumatism is worse, my left Knee strained again, drive to the Store however & am kept very busy, reading testimony in our Suit against the Chickerings__ My 42d birthday, finding me still terribly downcast, I suffer great pain, at 8 P.M. Albert & Louise and Cassebeers, Zieglers, Tretbar come, surprise party for me, I sing, Überall Du, Waldhornist, with Albert. Bam & Paula are very nice, I have to go to Bed before