The Diary

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New York, March 25th 1877.

March 25th Sunday.

Walk to Store at 10 AM feel quite well, faint traces only in right arm. Home at 1 P.M. lunch, ride with Paula to Grandmother & then to Zieglers, Home at 6 P.M. take light supper, pass a lovely evening with my children, sing for them, Paula wants to learn the accompaniment of "Lullaby" To bed at 9½ Rest splendidly ___

March 26th Monday.

Rainstorm, George only has slight feeling in right foot. We vacated 13th street property last week, removed all pianos, & gave up possession to F. Grote & Co. Freund proposes to me to have Phelps buy him out _ viz. Music Trade Review. Oliver Ditson & Co. have bought out Geo. D. Russell & Co. for $62.000. They will be our Agents. I lunch at Schulers and feel better from hour to hour, at Supper with Albert, meet Blasius there, play Skat with Albt, Louise & H. St. lose 21 Cents.


March 27th Tuesday.

Rain & fog. Blasius slept at our house. Mrs. Dachauer calls, she recd a letter from her husband, reproaching her & vowing vengeance +c. J. C. Freund has also changed his mind At L.K. in eve'g. preside, L.K. resolves to postpone last Concert til 6th of May, also to assist in Thomas last Symphony Concert, Home at 11½ P.M., after stopping down in the new Barroom, Hensel + Remy Abschied