The Diary

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New York, July 26th 1877

July 29th Sunday.

At 8 A.M. rainy foggy weather Schmidt & I via Morrisania boat to Fulton street, I cross to Brooklyn, by Cars to Steins, little Gussie sick with Diptheria by Carriage with Fred to Greenwood, look at our Vault, Iron door in front & Vault quite well fixed up. We then stop at Webers Restaurant, eat Ham & cheese, then to Hamilton Ferry, take 1 P.M. boat to Staten Island Amann & Keppler on board, to Clifton House, where we find a fine jolly set of Gentlemen, Jaaks, Toel, Capt. Ludwig Ranft +c +c. We sing Quartetts I playing on the piano, amuse ourselves splendidly, home by 8 P.M. boat, reach my house at 9½ PM, sleep nicely, rains all night

July 30th Monday.

Wet day. Business has grown very quiet, Strikes however are all over, and trains running again, lunch at Gerths, at 1 P.M. Water Commißioners Pierce Williams & Engineer Worthen there at my office arranging for the erection of temporary Waterworks on my property. Letter from Gen'l Oliver giving his entire figures on the principal makers at the Ziegler says my Mother is somewhat sick--I swear to our answer to the Meiners suit denying each and every allegation therein. To Astoria via 23d str. take a good swim play Skat in evening lose 44 Cents.