The Diary

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New York, December 31st 1877.

Decbr 31st Monday.

Very clear, cold day. Very busy all day, paying enormous amounts of money out. Lunch at Gerths At home in eve'g. Theodor & wife, Henry, Charles Steinway Henry Ziegler, Chas. F. Tretbar, Constantin Schmidt & wife. Henry A. Cassebeer jr. we have a nice supper. I then play Skat with Henry Cassebeer & H. Steinway til 113/4 P.M. lose 3 Cents. Ziegler Tretbar, Theodore & C. St. play Whist We all assemble around the table towards 12 o'clock, Theodore says a few appropriate words and we thus pass into the new year, from the terrible year 1877, in which we lost our mother and brother, and also Mrs. B. Kreischer having to follow the corpses of the above three beloved ones to the grave at Greenwood Cemetery three times in 7 months George and Paula jumped into the new year



                                      End of the year 1877