The Diary

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NewYork, January 14th 1894.

Jan. 14th Sund.

Business is still almost at a standstill, both Retail and wholesale, and all over the country it looks, in a business view, darker than ever before. I again had a bad coughing spell during the night. Wet snowstorm today. Willie & Meta improve steadily Christian F. Holtz died yesterday in Hamburg. Clearing up in afternoon. Eat in dining room. L.v Bernuth visits Maud and Baberich at Toussaints, finds both well. In evg C. v. Bernuth calls I did a great deal of work all day. L.K. birthday last night great success

Jany 15th Mond.

Foggy weather. Willie still has sore neck. Herman Sigel the Journalist of Milwaukee died yesterday, Am at St. Hall from 9½ A.M. to 5 P.M. Had lots of interviews, one with Arthur Friedheim, to whom I denied assistance for a humbug Charity Concert. Dreadful accident on the Del + Lack. R.R. Two sons of Carl H. Schultz badly wounded Walter J. Foster also slightly hurt. Leo. v. Raven called, much exercised by Mansfelds article in the Revue. To my great joy better News comes from Papa Ranft who is improving, so that R.R. jr. need not go to Dresden. I improve in walking, and Willie & Meta gradually also improve. St. Rway Comp. pay all their notes today to Genl Electric Comp. which were endorsed by me. Walter C. Foster is injured instead of Walter J. Foster


Jan'y 16th Tuesd.

First moist, then sunny day. Willies sore throat a little worse. Work at St. Hall all day, drink Weissbeer with Kümmel every day in afternoon. Meltzer called on me, also L. Hupfauf. Belle Newport sang for me, very indifferently. Carl Hauser calls, is wild agt Mansfeld, Tillenius also calls. Our drafts on our London house find ready sale, especially purchased by Bank of British North America. Herman E. Kleber pays the 3d dividend from F. Grote &Co. viz 10% to me $450698 completing 50% dividend to Creditors since August, certainly a fine result. Moritz Steinert and his son Alex. call, express the intention of going to Chicago if possible and take business of Lyon, Potter &Co. there. Anton Schott also called

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Jan 17. Wed.

All day at Steinway Hall +working hard. Stetson returned from Chicago in eveg from funeral of Geo. W. Lyon |D