The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr. 23d 1894.


Beautiful sunny clear cold day. The Staatszeitung has my "Eine Weihnachts Betrachtung" which reads elegantly. Dr. Scharlau calls in relation to Deutscher Verein Social evg Jan 11th and Dr. Langmann reports to me that he has seen my son George at Mamaroneck and found him still in bed, weak, but greatly improved. Oscar v. Bernuth, son of Carl v. B. to dinner with us. Young Albert Weber calls +tells me about his marriage troubles. John von Glahn and Geo W. Cotterill also call just before dinner. Wm. Rohlfing sent a splendid Wisconsin "Hirschkeule" which tastes splendidly. At 4 P.M. drive to L.K. Music Com. Meeting, arrange with the other members, Jan 12/95 L.K. birthday Anniversary, also Febr. 10th/95 Concert where "Walpurgisnacht" is intended to be performed. Home in evg. working. Send off petition to Governor Flower for pardon of young Frank Schilling from Elmira Reformatory. Send Miss Julia Cassebeer a check for $100 for Christmas. John v. Glahn to Adirondack.


Monday, Decbr 24th

To St. Hall early (Freezing cold set in last night) work til 5 P.M. Am bothered a good deal by mendicants, Weil of Music Trades, Harry E. Freund, little Mis Schilling, E. Leonhardt. Lunch at Lüchows. Steinert here to. I receive a number of letters in praise of my Christmas article yesterday, one from Albert Pagenstecher. In afternoon Kleber+Korn came in, latter buys boiler, engine + some shaftings for $15.00. of Receiver of F. Grote +Co. I contributing $500. to Isidor Korn. At 5½ P.M. home "Bescheerung" Dick Ranft, wife +Child with us, children all overjoyed, little Willie von Bernnuth (who always says that he is a "Bum" is wild with joy. Cook receives $25 00/100, Leonce $Frl Krüsi $ and all the other girls $20. each as a present. I make a brief speech at table, after which I work all the eveg until 10.30 A.M. No snow has fallen this season until now, Friedrich Mohr of the L.K. died yesterday. We can hardly gel Willie+Theodore to bed, so excited they are. Both Maud and Meta recited a charming german poem, Maud did it especially well, Gave Klein $50.55 Walter J. Foster called in afternoon, we consult briefly on Receiver of F. Grote & Co Matters. Mrs. Ida F. Grote called in relation to having her minor son F. Grote either go in parternship with her brother Chas. Webb, in the pearl button business, or with forman Baumann in the Ivory business
