The Diary

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New York, Octbr 7th 1875.

Oct 7th Thursday.

Slept pretty well, begin to feel a little more quiet, in eve'g take supper at Cassebeers, sing for them, am in splendid voice, at 8½ to L.K. Board of T. meeting afterwards Skat with Biedermann, Maas and Heuser, lose 51 Cents home at 1 AM

Oct 8th friday.

Meet Hogan in the morning, he tracked party to place where he is employed, I pay him $45. for expenses in advance With Col. Flad of St. Louis to 11 Mercer str he presents his plan to us, in afternoon after taking dinner at Zieglers, with Dr. Meinecke and Theodore to farm. Lovely weather, I see Frank Kouwenhoven, about his Saltmeadows for Mr. Cooper, play Whist with Theodore, Albert and Henry Steinway, win 20 Cents.


Octbr 9th sat.

fine clear day, feel a little Rheumatism in left Collarbone and Shoulder, am downtown, take lunch with Constantin Schmidt at Schedlers. Last night Theodore, Albert & I signed new articles of  auxiliary copartnership &c At home in eve'g, Mrs. Dachauer visits us

Octbr 10th Sunday.

Slept quite well, Rheumatism completely gone, having taken 4 Blairs Pills Yesterday. Business has been excellent this past week, having shipped 60 Pianos Work in store in the forenoon, my family returned to town Yesterday, present wife with $100. birthday present for tomorrow. An exciting scene takes
from Nanuet Alberts & Wms family, Yesterday