The Diary

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New York, Octbr 13th 1875.

Octbr. 13th continued--

empowered to do so Am uptown in eve'g, talking business with Theodor, home at 10 PM


Oct 14th Thursday.

Cold clear day. Business again rather dull, few orders coming in this week I have for some time felt exceedingly well bodily my right middlefinger seems also to grow better but I still have spells of extreme sadness on me, and my heart is torn by conflicting doubts and hopes as to A! Slept quite well last night up to this morning. Spend afternoon with Cotterill fixing Theodores will, which I copy clean in the evening, at 9½ P.M. go to bed, have earnest and long conversation in which I go over the whole ground from 1868 up to the present time and elicit all details so that I have a perfect insight into the whole matter. Sleep well and soundly afterwards


Octbr 15th friday.

Gloomy rainy day, with Theodore to Hauff signing his application for patents & design of new Grandpiano plate, Receive Cable telegram from Charles Ziegler of Munich "Married already" which I tell Theodore, who tells me confidentially of supposed travels last fall &c. After consulting wife we decide that she should immediately go to Buffalo tomorrow morning. In evening with Theodor, til 11 P.M. have further conversation with him, all the family together
